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Interloc Releases Mobile Informer 5.4

It's Time to Upgrade!

Interloc has publically released Version 5.4 of Mobile Informer.  To get our very fastest Mobile Informer yet and take advantage of new enhancements, you must upgrade to Mobile Informer V.5.4.

Enhancements include (depending on your current version of Mobile Informer):
  • New API on NOTIFYPUB service allowing for public and anonymous access
  • Maximo 7.6 support
  • Multi-platform installer
  • Improved catalog change evaluation architecture
  • Ability to track full catalog data sets
  • Ability to download database directly via SQLite, bypassing XML for the initial catalog load
  • Ability to deliver resources (images, documents, and other application resources) to the application directly
  • Explicitly define catalog listeners
  • Differentiation between Administration and Developer apps
  • Improved Instrumentation usage
  • Separate JVM and user interface
Complete the form to schedule your upgrade request.  Select 'Yes' on the form to request your personal login to the Mobile Informer Support page.