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The Wonderful World of MAS is the Way!

Oh, the Things You’ll Know with Maximo! Monitor, Health, and Predict on the Go!


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Are you ready for Maximo Application Suite (MAS)

IBM Maximo is extending its market-leading CMMS/EAM platform by providing remote asset monitoring, maintenance and reliability applications in a single platform that enables you to increase uptime, improve productivity, reduce maintenance costs, and build more resilient operations.

Learn More About MAS

MAS Image 12

Doing Mobile Better

Give your mobile workforce what they need, while enhancing operational effectiveness and maximizing your return on your asset management investment. Interloc’s Mobile Informer delivers award-winning mobility for IBM Maximo.


As a trusted partner across industries, Interloc brings Maximo technology to your doorstep — from across town or across the globe.

Partnering with Interloc ensured that our upgrade was a success — on time, on budget, and pain-free.

Ravi Misra
Chief Information Officer
Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)

Interloc has supported the integration of all T4 facilities management vendors via the Maximo system and seamlessly updated all facilities operations to a robust EAM operations.

Roel Huinink
President and CEO

Interloc experts efficiently handled our MAS upgrade, addressed customizations, navigated licensing changes, and seamlessly managed our MAS transition to the Interloc Cloud. Thanks to their expertise, we upgraded under budget and ahead of schedule at Morgan Foods.

Steve Hankins
CFO, Morgan Foods

That’s what quality asset management gives you, the power to have better reliable equipment. Interloc’s Mobile Informer over Maximo solution has been the reliable, affordable and flexible solution to do just that at AUA Airport.

Monique Palm
Airport Development – CMMS Administrator
Aruba Airport

Partnering with Interloc ensured that our upgrade was a success — on time, on budget, and pain-free.

Ravi Misra
Chief Information Officer
Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)

Interloc has supported the integration of all T4 facilities management vendors via the Maximo system and seamlessly updated all facilities operations to a robust EAM operations.

Roel Huinink
President and CEO

Interloc experts efficiently handled our MAS upgrade, addressed customizations, navigated licensing changes, and seamlessly managed our MAS transition to the Interloc Cloud. Thanks to their expertise, we upgraded under budget and ahead of schedule at Morgan Foods.

Steve Hankins
CFO, Morgan Foods

That’s what quality asset management gives you, the power to have better reliable equipment. Interloc’s Mobile Informer over Maximo solution has been the reliable, affordable and flexible solution to do just that at AUA Airport.

Monique Palm
Airport Development – CMMS Administrator
Aruba Airport

Latest Blogs from Interloc


Where Are We Headed? Maintaining a Maximo “Roadmap” (Part 1)

Excited to share our latest blog post on maintaining a Maximo roadmap!

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All about MAS Health & Predict AI/ML Models for Predictive Maintenance

With Maximo Application Suite, IBM is providing Maximo users the power of connected devices and AI, completely integrated...

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Customizing UI for MAS Health/Predict & Mobile Apps UI using MAF...

Maximo Application Framework Configuration Application (MAF Config App), a UI Configuration Tool...

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How do I Know My Integrations are Working?

So, you’ve just finished implementing a series of integrations so Maximo can play its part in a set of enterprise-wide business processes. Work orders, assets, POs...

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